• good_energy_festival
  • good_energy_festival
  • good_energy_festival
  • good_energy_festival

GOOD ENERGY FESTIVAL: Solar Opportunities for Local Communities

The Good Energy Festival is the ZEZ’s annual event dedicated to community energy and took place in Zagreb on May 5-7, 2022.

The event was organized under the auspices of the City of Zagreb, the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, as well as President of the Republic of Croatia, and in partnership with the European federation of energy cooperatives REScoop.eu and the Covenant of Mayors for Energy and Climate Europe.

The Good Energy Festival gathered a wider community and public to popularize community energy, but also to discussed burning matters related to its development in Croatia and neighbouring countries. It particularly focused on community energy in the light of increasing incentives for solar energy on the level of the European Union and the national level, as well as the energy crisis.

A banner was developed in order to promote I-NERGY participation in and contribution to the event, while the I-NERGY roll-up poster was printed in order to further promote the basic info of the project and convey the message to the physical participants.