
ICT-49 Webinar: Discover AI Solutions and Support for Implementation


The ICT-49 cluster organised the 2nd ICT-49 webinar "Discover AI Solutions and Support for Implementation" on the 5th of July 2022 with the participation of 68 stakeholders.

During the webinar examples of how AI can be adopted targeting a low-tech audience (little knowledge of AI) were presented.

You will learn about:

  • What the AI-on-demand (AIoD) platform and the ICT-49 projects are
  • AI use cases across different sectors (Manufacturing, Security, Healthcare, Telecommunications, Mobility, the Public Sector)
  • How the ICT-49 projects can support you with the development and implementation of AI solutions
  • How Digital Innovation Hubs can support you
  • How to unlock the potential of AI, the key to adopting new technologies and getting your project off the ground

I-NERGY Project partner from Fundación Asturiana de la Energía, FAEN, Ms. Andrea Díaz Barredo, presented our project Use Case "AI for predicting the climate change impact in RES and energy demand at regional level".

See the video recording here.